Friday, February 24, 2012

Home Depot s Cute Sales Team

(for some reason when I use punctuation in the title it fills it in with random characters, hence the "s" with no apostrophe).

We went to Home Depot Tuesday to finally get some blinds for our living room (our curtains are pretty shear) and I saw the cutest salesman, I just wanted to buy everything he touched. His smile was to die for!

Ash Wednesday

I know the reading at Mass is all about not bragging but look at this cutie!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Little Entertainer

AT and I enjoyed breakfast together recently. He is the sweetest little baby ever who loves to laugh when I play "peek a boo" with him.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Straight from Elvis

I never thought I would live in a place so remote that the US Postal Service would not deliver to my address. However, every now and again it does have it's perks. For example if you do try and send me snail mail via USPS to my physical address you will get something straight out of an Elvis song.


Monday, February 6, 2012

Another day another loaf

My adventures into bread making continue. The first time I made the white bread I did not like how it came out in flat oblong loaves. While it was still good to eat it left something to be desired when it came to making sandwiches. That is where the USA bread pan comes into play.

The pan is deep and unlike normal bread pans the sides are stright so the bread does not become fatter as the bread rises.

The results of using this pan are as follows.
This is something that is much better suited for sandwithces. Here is one more image of the new loaf next to an old loaf.


Sunday, February 5, 2012


These boys make me so happy and the luckiest girl alive. This picture was taken when Alan was about 4 days old.

I love seeing them interact, AT just lights up when Mile walks up to him and he always laughs so much for Mike.

Mike's been gone this weekend for some training and I can't wait until he gets home this evening.